“Kneel before me, Warrior. Kneel before your new god.”


Krull, the chosen of Kaos, grows in power as he pursues all that his master desires: ¬the Kade, the hidden life holding back the Geddon, and the daughters of the Ensi. All these Krull has been commanded to deliver to ensure the cleansing of the world, a world he would then inherit. And with the Neti feeding him the immense energy of Kaos, might he even become a god?

Stepping into the path of the rising terror, the Guardian and the Warriors strive to prevent the Land’s Armageddon, aided by an uneasy alliance with the daemons, the Ensi, and one named Jalu. But how can the Dark be defeated when, at every turn, it seems much remains hidden from them, much unsaid?

Such as those gods lying watching in the Void. Such as the truth of the Geddon.

Such as the truth of Life.

Life is the final part of the Kaos Unfolding trilogy, a tale of the Warriors of the Continuum, and reveals the true horror of the game of the gods. The Guardian must understand. This time, she must succeed.

The publication date will be released soon. If you’d like, I can email you when available. Just head to the newsletter page here.